Title of Activity – Prof. Santosh Dabhole, attended Manufacturing Industries and Academia meet as panel member at ACCURATE Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Date: 13/08/2022
Objective of Activity: - ACCURATE have arranged Manufacturing Industries and Academia meet to discuss on the new syllabus introduced by SPPU and the Industry response in making it effective.
Industry Name: ACCURATE Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd., 67, Gauge House, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune - 13
Faculty Participant Name : Prof. Santosh Dabhole
Brief Description of Activity:
As an initiative to enhance the skills of youth desiring to work in manufacturing profession manufacturing industries and academia meet was organized at and by ACCURATE Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd. 67, Gauge House, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune – 400013 on 13th August 2022.
Mr.Vikram Salunke, M.D., Accurate given opening address and informed intent of this meet was to have a panel discussion on the skill gap between academia and manufacturing industries in the field of metrology, manufacturing domain in accordance with the SPPU revised syllabus for Mechanical Engineering branch.
The meet had panel members from academia and manufacturing industry. Based on current scenario of skill sets required are discussed for mechanical engineers who willing to work in manufacturing industry. Considering the future prospectus and challenges in academia and industry panelist given their input for betterment in teaching and learning experience. Mr. Amit Ranade, Managing director of MKCL, Pune demonstrated MKCL’s Learning Management System tool for E-learning systems. All panelists agreed to come together and contribute to content development for customized e-learning solution in metrology field supported by Accurate.
Outcome Achieved: - E-learning platform will be developed for effectiveness in teaching learning for the field of metrology supported by Accurate in future.
Prof.Santosh Dabhole participated in “Manufacturing Industries and Academia Meet” at ACCURATE Sales & Services, Hadapsar,Pune, Date 13-08-2022
Total 70 Students places with 86 total Offers, Some Students have Double and Triple Offer.
Staff Participated: Prof.Gauspira Makandar, Prof. Mahesh Nirali, Prof. Spandan Waghmare
Student Participated:20
Instructor:Mr. Girish Vaidya, Quality Engineer in MANAS Automotive system Pvt.Ltd
Points Discussed with students